Tainui Group Holdings CEO Chris Joblin to depart in late 2024
Posted on 20-Jun-2024

A CEO transition is underway at Tainui Group Holdings (TGH). Current CEO Chris Joblin will leave the organisation later this year after close to a decade in the role. He first joined TGH in 2009 as CFO. 

TGH Board Chair Hinerangi Raumati-Tu’ua warmly thanks Chris for his significant contribution over almost a decade and acknowledged the strong asset growth achieved during his tenure.

“Under the nine years of Chris’ leadership to date, TGH has proven itself as a kaitiaki (guardian) of the assets of Waikato-Ta...

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TDX introduces Volvo electric construction machinery
Posted on 20-Jun-2024

Volvo electric zero-emission construction machines are now available in New Zealand, offering powerful electric performance with minimal environmental impact.

 In response to the increasing demand for sustainable solutions and the need to reduce carbon emissions by many local companies, TDX has introduced its first range of Volvo electric zero-emission construction machinery to the New Zealand market.

TDX has been the proud New Zealand distributor of Volvo Construction Equipment (CE) products for the past 13...

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New Zealand distributor appointed for Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Freightliner
Posted on 17-Jun-2024

Daimler Truck brands Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Freightliner will soon have a General Distributor locally in New Zealand.

Keith Andrews Holdings, which currently has the distribution rights for Fuso vehicles and parts through its wholesale organisation Fuso New Zealand, will soon take over the distribution of fellow Daimler Truck brands Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Freightliner. 

Currently, Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Freightliner vehicles are distributed in NZ by Daimler Truck Australia Pacific based in Mulgrave, Vi...

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Damning report on NZ health & safety indicts us all
Posted on 14-Jun-2024

This week a report crossed my desk that was very hard reading. The Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum has produced a report that is essential reading for everyone who employs staff.

The report pulls no punches. On the first page “New Zealand’s ongoing failure to learn and improve safety and health at ...

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Heavy trucks are not to blame for more potholes
Posted on 14-Jun-2024

The recent announcement by Transport Minister Simeon Brown that $4 billion will be spent preventing potholes around the country is good news, both for the road transport industry and general motorists.

Road transport operators have long complained about substandard roads. Damage to vehicles can be  expensive to fix, while delays in getting products to where they need to go affect businesses and the wider economy.

The deteriorating state of New Zealand’s roading network is the result of decades of under-inves...

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Raised speed limits will make goods delivery faster
Posted on 14-Jun-2024

The Government’s announcement today it will raise speed limits where it is safe to do so on the open road and local roads will help make goods delivery faster, says National Road Carriers Association (NRC).

“The Government last week announced it plans to improve the quality of the roads with State Highway and Local Road Pothole Prevention funds totalling nearly $4 billion that will make faster travel safe and effective,” says NRC CEO Justin Tighe-Umbers.

“Setting speed limits for Roads of National Significance of...

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