Auckland Regional Fuel Tax Abolished
Posted on 08-Mar-2024

The Coalition Government has passed legislation to end the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax scheme on 30 June 2024, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.

“Our 100-day plan committed us to introduce legislation to repeal this tax, and I am proud to see this pass through all stages,” Mr Brown says. 

“The passing of this Bill means that remaining RFT funding will be directed towards transport priorities that are shared by both Auckland Council and the Coalition Government. 

“Auckland Council and the Govern...

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Government Policy Statement a win for industry
Posted on 08-Mar-2024

In our briefing to incoming Transport Minister Simeon Brown, we sought eight priority actions.

The first was to rewrite the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS24) to prioritise road maintenance, network resilience, and strategic roading investments.

The second was to confirm the start date and funding sources of the Government’s 13 new Roads of National Significance and four major public transport upgrades.

So, when the redrafted GPS, which has major implications for transport, was released e...

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Infrastructure fast-track essential for transport projects
Posted on 08-Mar-2024

Road freight peak body Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand has welcomed the Coalition Government’s introduction of legislation to fast-track infrastructure projects, saying it will be essential to delivering a modern, fit-for-purpose roading Network.

Interim CEO Dom Kalasih says that transport projects, including Roads of National Significance, should be strong candidates for fast-tracking under the legislation.

“The Government has committed to an ambitious programme of 16 roading and public transport projec...

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Government Policy Statement (GPS) Transport 2024 in a nutshell
Posted on 07-Mar-2024

Over $20 Billion To Get Transport Back On Track - Transport Minister Simeon Brown has released the draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport, outlining the Coalition Government’s plan to build and maintain a transport system that enables people to get to where they need to go quickly and safely.

“Over the next three years, our investment of around $7 billion per year prioritises economic growth and productivity, increased maintenance and resilience, safety, and value for money. It balances the need for ...

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Government Policy Statement On Land Transport Great News For Road Freight Sector
Posted on 07-Mar-2024

The draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on land transport released today by Transport Minister Simeon Brown is great news for the road freight sector and the economy, says National Road Carriers Association (NRC) CEO Justin Tighe-Umbers. 

Tighe-Umbers said 93% of goods are delivered by road so investment in roading is investment in the economy – everyone wins.

“This policy is geared towards getting the basics right. That means restoring the damaged road network so it is fit for purpose, continuing to loo...

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KiwiRail partners with Stadler for new low-emissions locomotives
Posted on 07-Mar-2024

KiwiRail has signed two new contracts for low-emissions locomotives with Swiss rail manufacturer Stadler. The first contract involves the delivery of nine mainline locomotives equipped with ETCS (European Train Control System) for seamless operation on the North Island. The second agreement includes the supply of 24 innovative hybrid battery-diesel yard shunt locomotives, along with spare parts, specialised tools and technical support services.

KiwiRail Chief Customer and Growth Officer Adele Wilson says the new locomo...

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