Tolls The Way To Go For New RoNS
Posted: 11-Jul-2024 |

Infrastructure New Zealand is pleased to see progress on the first seven Roads of National Significance projects that will be key enablers of future economic activity and community progress. The peak infrastructure sector body also encourages the Government to embrace road tolling to fund these new RoNS.

“Safe and efficient four-lane and grade-separated highways are not cheap, yet they are a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to improving New Zealand’s land transport network,” says Infrastructure New Zealand Chief Executive Nick Leggett.

“Tolling is the way to go to help deliver these new highway projects.”

“The reality is if we want modern first-world infrastructure then that will need to come through greater use of user-charging mechanisms such as tolling.”

Infrastructure New Zealand recognises that direct user-charging does spark public debate, yet tolling is used extensively and successfully to deliver and preserve major roading projects overseas. 

“We cannot kick the can down the road any longer,” says Leggett. “New Zealand has a significant infrastructure deficit that is not only affecting our economic productivity but is also impacting our social and environmental outcomes.”

“The use of alternative funding and financing methods, such as user-charging and the increased use of private capital, will be critical if New Zealand is to meet our infrastructure challenges during this period of significant fiscal constraint.”

“While it will take some time for these new high-spec highways to go through the procurement and construction processes, we are pleased to see the Government following through on their transport commitments,” says Leggett. “Infrastructure New Zealand also looks forward to contributing further to the Government’s work in infrastructure delivery with a soon-to-be-released paper on alternative funding and financing options.”

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