MOVE Appoints Julia Raue as New Chair
Posted: 30-May-2024 |

The Board of MOVE Logistics Group Limited, is pleased to announce the appointment of Julia Raue as Board Chair.

Julia joined the MOVE Logistics Group Board as an independent director in May 2023. She has significant governance experience across a variety of sectors, including current directorships with Southern Cross Group, Jade Software and Global Women. She steps down as a director of The Warehouse Group on 31 May 2024 and has previously been a director of Z Energy and TVNZ. 

Julia has experience chairing a number of governance committees including Nominations & People and Health Safety & Wellbeing. She has a strong background in business transformation, digital change, and customer excellence and, prior to her governance career, was Chief Information Officer at Air New Zealand for nine years. 

Outgoing chair, Lorraine Witten, had previously advised that she intended to retire from the Board at the 2024 Annual Meeting and would step down as Chair prior to that time to enable a seamless succession. Julia was elected with the full support of the Board.

Julia commented: “It is a privilege to be Chair of this long standing business. Despite the challenging conditions across the sector and the economy, the Board remains committed to unleashing the potential of MOVE. We have excellent leadership in the business and a clear strategy as we continue to position MOVE as a preferred end to end supply chain solutions provider.”

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