Joint $1.78b Transport Plan Adopted For Otago And Southland
Posted: 26-Jun-2024 |

The joint $1.78 billion transport funding bid by Otago and Southland was adopted today by their combined Otago and Southland Regional Transport Committee, following a meeting in Balclutha.

The respective Regional Land Transport Plans will next go before Otago Regional Council and Environment Southland next month before the Plan is lodged with NZ Transport Agency: Waka Kotahi by the end of July.

Otago and Southland are collectively seeking a total $1.78 billion in funding from NZTA’s State Highway improvement programme, for their respective 2024-2027 programmes of activities: $1.26 billion for Otago and $495 million for Southland.

NZTA’s State Highway improvement programme across Southland and Otago aims to address safety issues.

ORC’s Manager Transport Lorraine Cheyne thanked all the submitters from across Otago and Southland.

“Our thanks go out to all submitters for their thoughtful, quality contributions which helped by giving the Regional Land Transport Plan an increased customer voice on connectivity, accessibility and transport choice across the regions.”

The revised Plan has a “strengthened focus” on options for those who are transport disadvantaged and also references the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, she says.

There is also greater emphasis on the role of public and active transport, including the potential of cycle trails, Ms Cheyne says.

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