Input Sought On Wellington Region’s Transport Future
Posted: 30-May-2024 |

Public input is being sought from today on the Mid-Term Review of the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP), the blueprint guiding the region's transport network over the next 10-30 years.

Regional Transport Committee chair Adrienne Staples says feedback on the plan helps shape the future of regional travel, and a system used by thousands of commuters, cyclists, freight, and commercial vehicles every day. 

“The Mid-Term Review is a public warrant of fitness for our region’s transport activities, allowing us to keep public sentiment front of mind as we seek funding for projects that help connect our communities,” Cr Staples says.

Feedback will be collected on the list of key transport projects prioritised by the Wellington Regional Transport Committee, including:

Rail network track and infrastructure upgrades as well as wider capacity and safety improvements, ’Roads of National Significance’ including a second Mt Victoria tunnel, the Petone to Grenada Link Road and the Cross Valley Link, Implementation of an integrated national ticketing system for public transport. 

Projects under the RLTP are proposed by the region’s nine councils, as well as KiwiRail, and Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) The RLTP is then submitted to NZTA for funding consideration from the National Land Transport Fund.

Consultation will also focus on the plan’s changes to the weighting of transport investment priorities, designed to respond to the region’s most significant transport problems.

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