Govt investing $2.68 billion in Transport For Growth
Posted: 06-Jun-2024 |

In case you missed it - Budget 2024 confirms a $2.68 billion investment in roads, rail, and public transport to unlock economic growth and enable Kiwis and freight to get to where they want to go quickly and safely, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.

“This funding includes a billion-dollar increase over that signalled during the consultation on the GPS on land transport. This funding has been secured to accelerate the delivery of priority projects including the Roads of National Significance.

“We want construction firms to know that this government will get on and build roads and we have prioritised funding in place to make this happen.

“Investing in transport infrastructure is critical to our plan to rebuild the economy so we can lift incomes and afford the health, education, and other frontline services New Zealanders depend upon,” Simeon Brown says.

Other transport investments in Budget 2024 include: $1.0 billion to accelerate the delivery of the Roads of National Significance and major public transport projects. $939.3 million to repair roads damaged by last year’s severe weather events in the North Island. $266.9 million to upgrade and maintain the metropolitan rail networks in Auckland and Wellington

$200 million to support KiwiRail to carry out maintenance and renewals on the national rail network. $10 million for Airways New Zealand to complete the minimum operating network of Ground Based Navigation Aids.

This investment builds upon the $20.7 billion in funding already outlined this year in the draft GPS on land transport and Roads of Regional Significance programme to boost investment in roading, rail, and public transport to ensure Kiwis can get where they need to go quickly and safely, including: 17 Roads of National Significance and major public transport projects

$500 million for a Pothole Prevention Fund. Supporting the procurement of new trains for the Wellington-Wairarapa and Wellington-Manawatū lines. 10 Roads of Regional Significance

“Budget 2024 delivers a clear pipeline of transport infrastructure investment which will support our plan to rebuild the New Zealand economy,” Mr Brown says. “Budget 2024 is also about ensuring we continue to repair and rebuild the important transport links that were knocked out during the North Island weather events.

“The Government is fully funding the recovery of the State Highway network and supporting local councils with the recovery.

Mr Brown says the Budget also invests significantly in our rail networks to ensure we are prepared for the opening of the City Rail Link and continues to support the movement of freight across New Zealand on our railways.

 “The investments in public transport infrastructure will improve the reliability and safety of services in our major cities. In recent years, we have seen a disturbing number of speed reductions and delays on the lines in Auckland and Wellington.

“Fully funding the completion of the Auckland rail network rebuild supports the opening of the City Rail Link by increasing the reliability of the line and wherever possible removing speed restrictions that limit the operation of services.

“Our Government is investing in the transport infrastructure needed to help Kiwis get where they need to go quickly and safely, and unlock economic growth and opportunity.”

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