Government Breaks Promise On Ferry Plan
Posted: 03-Oct-2024 |
According to the New Zealand Labour Party, Time has run out for Nicola Willis who has failed to keep her promise to deliver a solution to replace the Interislander ferries by today.
“Nicola Willis promised New Zealanders she would have a plan by the end of the quarter. Instead as the deadline to her promise loomed – she admitted last week it’s likely to be much later,” Labour transport spokesperson Tangi Utikere said.
“The Government’s bungled ferry deal is a complete failure. The consequences of these decisions will mean Kiwis pay more, wait years longer for replacement boats and face increased freight costs.
“Nicola Willis botched this deal from the moment she was in the captain’s chair. It was just the beginning of the poor choices this Government is becoming famous for.
“If the replacement ferries are not rail-enabled, Nicola Willis, Paul Goldsmith and Simeon Brown will also go down in history as the Ministers who cut the main trunk line in two.
“Maybe this is the hold up? As it seems the chaotic Cabinet cannot agree on a pathway forward when it comes to the possibility of no rail capability across the Cook Strait.
“Cancelling the order for two rail-enabled Cook Strait ferries has already cost KiwiRail almost half a billion dollars. However, costs are estimated to keep rising as the price for exiting the contracts with South Korean shipbuilders Hyundai is still under negotiation.
“Nicola Willis should be on the phone pleading with the ship builders to reinstate the contract. As more and more time goes on, it’s clear the Government is struggling to find that ‘Toyota Corolla’ ferry it desperately wanted without paying Ferrari prices,” Tangi Utikere said