Don't Muck With a Truck - NHVR
Posted: 23-May-2024 |

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in Australia has launched a road safety campaign. ‘Don’t #uck With A Truck’– with ‘Don’t Truck It Up’ targeted at learner drivers. The campaign features social media personality Luisa Dal Din, demonstrating a range of safety scenarios including turning, stopping, and overtaking a truck. 

The combination of humour and shock-factor in the campaign is designed to grab the attention of young drivers, to help push the message of road safety and awareness around heavy vehicles. There are so many distractions in a young person’s life, like mobile phones or gaming, so the campaign uses these objects to show how quickly things can change when you make a wrong decision around a truck. 

Heavy vehicle safety is not a big topic amongst young people, but the goal is to join the conversation and help teach inexperienced drivers how to safely share the road with a truck.

For the year 2022 in New Zealand there were 51 fatal crashes, 166 serious injury crashes, and 539 minor injury crashes where trucks were involved. In these crashes, 62 people died, 208 people were seriously injured, and 727 people suffered minor injuries.

“During ‘Brake’ Road Safety Week 20-25 May it’s a good time to load the campaign to all our social networks with the hope of catching the attention of NZ young drivers and to send a reminder to all other drivers to refresh their memory of a truck’s capabilities” states Carol McGeady COO NZ Trucking Association.

NZ Trucking Association would like to thank the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in Australia for the use of these great videos and resources which we will continue to deliver from the Road Safety Truck and other events that we do. You can also view the videos on

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