Giti Tyres Big Test

Giti Tyres Big Test
      MACK SUPER-LINER CLX64T 6x4 100 YEARS LIMITED EDITION   Story Dave McLeod Photos Gerald Shacklock

Giti Tyres Big Test - Birthday Bulldog

In one way, Christchurch earthmoving and demolition contractor Gerard Daldry is absolutely and utterly the kind of bloke Mack Trucks was thinking of when it decided to build its latest special edition trucks.

Then again…..he was also one of the most unlikely people to buy one of the 100 Macks (a mix of Super-Liners and Tridents) fancied-up to commemorate a century of Macks in Australia.

Daldry is a man who loves Macks. Simple as that. It's a passion that shows clearly whe...

Giti Tyres Big Test
      ISUZU CYH530D GIGA 8x4   Story Dave McLeod Photos Gerald Shacklock

Giti Tyres Big Test - GIGA what? And why? 

It's not the most modern truck out there. It's not the smartest…nor the most high-tech. And no – it's not the most powerful truck on our roads. Nowhere near it.

However….it IS the best-selling heavy-duty truck in New Zealand. And it's also No. 1 in the overall truck market (all trucks over 4.5 tonnes GVM). And has been for 20 straight years.

How come? Many, many reasons, no doubt – but who better to ask than someone who bought one of the 346 he...

Giti Tyres Big Test
      VOLVO FM13 540 HA AIR RIDE DAY CAB 8x4   Story Dave McLeod Photos Gerald Shacklock

Giti Tyres Big Test - The Traffords Test

When career truck driver Nigel Heke first heard about a dual clutch version of Volvo's slick I-Shift automated manual transmission he was dubious.

Never mind what Volvo said about it being faster, smoother, safer, more fuel efficient…he seriously wondered how the hell it was going to be an improvement on the existing I-Shift – already, he reckons, a "pretty good" gearbox.

But then Mount Maunganui-based McFall Fuel – where Nigel combines driving duties with d...

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