Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand News

New categories highlight industry awards
Two new categories will highlight this year's New Zealand Road Transport Industry Awards Gala Dinner, to be held following the Road Transport Forum Conference, on Wednesday September 25 at Wairakei Resort, near Taupo.
The new awards are the Teletrac Navman Outstanding Contribution by a Woman in the Road Transport Industry Award and the EROAD Young Driver of the Year (under 35) Award. These two categories replace the Industry Innovation Award and the Training Award that were presented over recent years.
The new categories join the existing VTNZ Supreme Contribution to Road Transport Award and the EROAD Outstanding Contribution to Health and Safety Award and provide the industry with a chance to recognise its outstanding achievers from the past year or so.
RTF's Nick Leggett explains that the new awards are intended to contribute to the promotion of diversity within the industry.
"We know that despite road transport being an industry dominated by older men, there are many outstanding women and young people who make their careers in the sector and are contributing fresh ideas and new ways of thinking to our transport companies.
...Two new categories will highlight this year's New Zealand Road Transport Industry Awards Gala Dinner, to be held following the Road Transport Forum Conference, on Wednesday September 25 at Wairakei Resort, near Taupo.
The new awards are the Teletrac Navman Outstanding Contribution by a Woman in the Road Transport Industry Award and the EROAD Young Driver of the Year (under 35) Award. These two categories replace the Industry Innovation Award and the Training Award that were presented over recent years.
The new categories join the existing VTNZ Supreme Contribution to Road Transport Award and the EROAD Outstanding Contribution to Health and Safety Award and provide the industry with a chance to recognise its outstanding achievers from the past year or so.
RTF's Nick Leggett explains that the new awards are intended to contribute to the promotion of diversity within the industry.
"We know that despite road transport being an industry dominated by older men, there are many outstanding women and young people who make their careers in the sector and are contributing fresh ideas and new ways of thinking to our transport companies.
"RTF and our associations have long been trying to encourage a more diverse industry workforce, so it seemed only sensible to have our industry awards reflect that.
"Obviously, this means that the innovation and training awards are discontinued for the time being. That is no reflection on the very worthy winners we have had of those categories over the last few years.
"Nor does it demean the importance of innovation and training to our industry. However, the RTF board and I consider that those responsibilities should now be well understood by road transport operators across NZ," says Leggett.
The four NZ Road Transport Industry Awards collectively honour activities and achievements that ultimately improve the daily lives of the public or ensure that the industry is a rewarding and safe environment to work in.
For entry guidelines and a nomination form, please visit the NZ Road Transport Industry Awards page under 'Events' on the RTF website. Nominations can be sent to forum@rtf.nz.
The Castrol Truck Driver Hero Award, supported by
NZ Truck & Driver, will again be presented at the gala dinner, to appropriately acknowledge an individual from our industry who has saved or attempted to save another person from harm while carrying out their normal employment duties.
This is a very prestigious award that again relies on tipoffs from industry employers and colleagues. Nominations can be made through the Castrol Truck Driver Hero page on the RTF website.
The programme for the 2019 RTF Conference, registration details, accommodation, sponsorship packages and more are available at www.rtfconference.co.nz. It promises to be an interesting and entertaining two days and RTF looks forward to seeing you there.