Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand News

Nominations needed for 2019 Road Transport Industry Awards
Anyone who attended the gala Road Transport Industry Awards Dinner at the 2018 Road Transport Forum Conference will recall just what an extraordinary night it was…
And how special it was to celebrate the community spirit, innovation and can-do attitude of the outstanding achievers in our industry.
Whether it was the emotional reception that VTNZ Outstanding Contribution to Road Transport winner Greg Inch received for his work running Special Rigs for Special Kids….
Or the warm recognition of the years of effort put in by TIL Freight's Derek Nees to improve training across the industry, there is no doubt that last year's awards were a real showcase of what is great about road transport in New Zealand.
The Awards were initiated to recognise individuals and organisations who have gone above and beyond industry requirements in raising skills, safety practices, knowledge, training, innovation and expertise. They are also aimed at honouring those whose actions have improved the daily lives of people both inside and outside the industry.
...Anyone who attended the gala Road Transport Industry Awards Dinner at the 2018 Road Transport Forum Conference will recall just what an extraordinary night it was…
And how special it was to celebrate the community spirit, innovation and can-do attitude of the outstanding achievers in our industry.
Whether it was the emotional reception that VTNZ Outstanding Contribution to Road Transport winner Greg Inch received for his work running Special Rigs for Special Kids….
Or the warm recognition of the years of effort put in by TIL Freight's Derek Nees to improve training across the industry, there is no doubt that last year's awards were a real showcase of what is great about road transport in New Zealand.
The Awards were initiated to recognise individuals and organisations who have gone above and beyond industry requirements in raising skills, safety practices, knowledge, training, innovation and expertise. They are also aimed at honouring those whose actions have improved the daily lives of people both inside and outside the industry.
The nomination process for the four awards is very straightforward, so if you know someone or an organisation that you think deserves broad industry acknowledgement, there really is no excuse – get that nomination in: Entry guidelines and the nomination form are available for download from the RTF website.
Also, don't forget that nominations are always open for the Castrol Truck Driver Hero Award. There are plenty of drivers out on our roads every day who, through their actions either help someone avoid danger or – as in the case of last year's winner, Fonterra driver Phil Newton – actually save somebody's life.
Nominations can be made either by visiting the relevant pages on the RTF or NZ Truck & Driver magazine websites.
The 2019 Road Transport Industry Awards and Castrol Truck Driver Hero Awards will once again be presented at a gala dinner at the Forum annual conference.
This year's conference, which is being run by NZRTA Region 2 and CARTA, has been pencilled in for Tuesday September 24 and Wednesday September 25, at the Wairakei Resort near Taupo.
More information on this event will be available on the RTF website and in industry publications in the near future.