Fleet Focus | Sooo high... sooo low: The extraordinary life of Ricky Kuru

Sooo high... sooo low: The extraordinary life of Ricky Kuru
     Story Wayne Munro Photos Gerald Shacklock

Everybody has their ups and downs in life. You know – the usual highs and lows. But in his 50 years so far, East Coast log truck and forestry operator Ricky Kuru’s lows have been devastatingly, destructively deep. And the highs? Extraordinarily, spectacularly high.

The trend started early: The kid who doted on Dad Jack and lived for the hours they spent together in truck and machinery cabs, turned into a teenager who fell out with his family over his rebellious ways….

Which saw him kicked out of school and fathering a child before he was 15, ending up behind bars….and sleeping on the streets.

Then the rebound: He found his partner for life (wife Leanne), got back close to his Dad…and then became Jack’s partner in a small business building forestry roads…..that became a hugely-successful log harvesting and forestry roading operation.

After a decade or so of booming growth, Jack and Ricky’s Kuru Contracting Ltd boasted seven log harvesting crews, equipped with about $30million worth of machinery…..

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