Fleet Focus | 2m Tonnes, 100 Trucks...5 Fulltime staff

2m Tonnes, 100 Trucks...5 Fulltime staff
     Story Wayne Munro Photos Gerald Shacklock, Garry Cooper, Rod Simmonds

In its first year in business, log transport company Aztec shifted around 88,000 tonnes of logs.

That sounds impressive enough….until you hear that this year, the operation is aiming to cart two million tonnes! And that’s not some unrealistic flight of fantasy – not seeing as Aztec trucks shifted over 1.5m tonnes last year (and that’s even with the entire fleet parked up during the COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown period).

That’s a helluva growth, given that it’s just 23 years since then Carter Holt Harvey owner-drivers Steve Segetin, Peter Phillips and Ken Angus got together and formed Aztec.

It’s another measure of their success that the Aztec fleet, just four trucks strong back in 1998, has now grown to around 100 – working all over central North Island and the top half of the island.

It’s a success that has emphatically silenced those in the industry who predicted that the three owner-operators would never become bigtime operators. Who reckoned that they didn’t deserve the status of key suppliers accorded in late 1997 by Carter Holt Harvey – in the company of a select group of others….mostly bigger companies.

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